The Big Book of Cyberpunk (Volume 1 and 2)

Table of Contents for the UK Edition

The Big Book of Cyberpunk (Volume 1)

The Big Book/s of Cyberpunk published in the UK on 2 May 2024.

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The Big Book of Cyberpunk: Volume 1

  • Editor’s Note

  • Introduction to volume 1 

  • The Gernsback Continuum - William Gibson


  • Introduction

  • The Girl Who Was Plugged In - James Tiptree Jr.

  • Pretty Boy Crossover - Pat Cadigan

  • Wolves of the Plateau - John Shirley

  • An Old-Fashioned Story - Phillip Mann

  • The World as We Know It - George Alec Effinger

  • Red Sonja and Lessingham in Dreamland - Gwyneth Jones

  • Lobsters - Charles Stross

  • Surfing the Khumbu - Richard Kadrey

  • Memories of Moments, Bright as Falling Stars - Cat Rambo

  • The Girl Hero’s Mirror Says He’s Not the One - Justina Robson

  • The Completely Rechargeable Man - Karen Heuler

  • File: The Death of Designer D. - Christian Kirtchev

  • Better Than - Jean Rabe

  • Ghost Codes of Sparkletown (New Mix) - Jeff Noon

  • Choosing Faces - Lavie Tidhar

  • I Tell Thee All, I Can No More - Sunny Moraine

  • Four Tons Too Late - K. C. Alexander

  • Patterns of a Murmuration, in Billions of Data Points - Neon Yang

  • RealLife 3.0 - Jean-Marc Ligny

  • wysiomg - Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

  • The Infinite Eye - J. P. Smythe

  • The Real You™ - Molly Tanzer

  • A Life of Its Own - Aleš Kot

  • Helicopter Story - Isabel Fall

  • Lena - qntm


  • Introduction

  • Coming Attraction - Fritz Leiber

  • With the Original Cast - Nancy Kress

  • Dogfight - William Gibson and Michael Swanwick

  • Glass Reptile Breakout - Russell Blackford

  • [Learning About] Machine Sex - Candas Jane Dorsey

  • A Short Course in Art Appreciation - Paul Di Filippo

  • D.GO - Nicholas Royle

  • Consumimur Igni - Harry Polkinhorn

  • SQPR - Kim Newman

  • Gray Noise - Pepe Rojo

  • Retoxicity - Steve Beard

  • 0wnz0red - Cory Doctorow

  • Younis in the Belly of the Whale - Yasser Abdellatif

  • Synch Me, Kiss Me, Drop - Suzanne Church

  • The White Mask - Zedeck Siew

  • Degrees of Beauty - Cassandra Khaw

  • Alligator Heap - E. J. Swift

  • Glitterati - Oliver Langmead

  • Rain, Streaming - Omar Robert Hamilton

  • Found Earworms - M. Lopes da Silva

  • Electric Tea - Marie Vibbert

  • Exopunk’s Not Dead - Corey J. White

  • Études - Lavanya Lakshminarayan

  • Apocalypse Playlist - Beth Cato

  • Act of Providence - Erica Satifka

  • Feral Arcade Children of the American Northeast - Sam J. Miller


  • Introduction

  • Petra - Greg Bear

  • The Scab’s Progress - Bruce Sterling and Paul Di Filippo

  • Salvaging Gods - Jacques Barcia

  • Los Piratas del Mar de Plastico - Paul Graham Raven

  • About the Authors and the Translators

  • About the Editor

  • Acknowledgments

  • Permissions Acknowledgments

  • Further Reading

The Big Book of Cyberpunk (Volume 2)

Volume 2

  • Editor’s Note

  • Introduction to volume 2 


  • Introduction

  • Time Considered as a Helix of Semiprecious Stones - Samuel R. Delany

  • Cyberpunk - Bruce Bethke

  • Hostile Takeover - Craig Padawer

  • Rat - James Patrick Kelly

  • Arachne - Lisa Mason

  • Axiomatic - Greg Egan

  • Gene Wars -Paul J. McAuley

  • Britworld™ - James Lovegrove

  • Ripped Images, Rusted Dreams - Gerardo Horacio Porcayo

  • The Great Simoleon Caper - Neal Stephenson

  • Immolation - Jeffrey Thomas

  • Time of Day - Nick Mamatas

  • Branded - Lauren Beukes

  • P - Yun Ko-eun

  • I Can Transform You - Maurice Broaddus

  • Be Seeing You - Madeline Ashby

  • Keeping Up with Mr. Johnson - Steven S. Long

  • Flyover Country - Tim Maughan

  • Darkout - E. Lily Yu

  • 2045 Dystopia - Ryuko Azuma

  • Thoughts and Prayers - Ken Liu

  • Somatosensory Cortex Dog Mess You Up Big Time, You Sick Sack of S**T - Minister Faust

  • The Life Cycle of a Cyber Bar - Arthur Liu


  • Introduction

  • We Can Remember It For You Wholesale - Philip K. Dick

  • Speed - Misha

  • Computer Friendly - Eileen Gunn

  • I Was a Teenage Genetic Engineer - Nisi Shawl

  • The Gene Drain - Lewis Shiner

  • Deep Eddy - Bruce Sterling

  • The Yuletide Cyberpunk Yarn, or Christmas_Eve- 117.DIR - Victor Pelevin

  • Wonderama - Bef

  • Comp.basilisk.faq - David Langford

  • Spider’s Nest - Myra Çakan

  • The Last American - John Kessel

  • Earth Hour - Ken MacLeod

  • Violation of the TrueNet Security Act - Taiyo Fujii

  • Twelve Minutes to Vinh Quang - T. R. Napper

  • Operation Daniel - Khalid Kaki

  • Fallenangel.dll - Brandon O’Brien

  • CRISPR Than You - Ganzeer

  • Wi-Fi Dreams - Fabio Fernandes

  • Juicy Ghost - Rudy Rucker

  • Abeokuta52 - Wole Talabi

  • Keep Portland Wired - Michael Moss

  • Do Androids Dream of Capitalism and Slavery? - Mandisi Nkomo

  • The State Machine - Yudhanjaya Wijeratne

  • The Tin Pilot - K. A. Teryna

  • The Memory Librarian - Janelle Monáe and Alaya Dawn Johnson


  • Introduction

  • Cat Pictures Please - Naomi Kritzer

  • The Day a Computer Wrote a Novel - Yurei Raita

  • The Endless - Saad Hossain

  • Ghosts - Vauhini Vara

  • About the Authors and the Translators

  • About the Editor

  • Acknowledgments

  • Permissions Acknowledgments

  • Further Reading


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